County grants $155,000 to nonprofits

Melanie McCormic of Carson City CASA accepted quilt donations from the Carson Valley Quilt Guild. Photo special to The R-C by Lisa Ross

Melanie McCormic of Carson City CASA accepted quilt donations from the Carson Valley Quilt Guild. Photo special to The R-C by Lisa Ross


From fixing the stage lighting in the CVIC Hall to fixing feral cats, Douglas County commissioners approved 19 nonprofit requests amounting to $155,000 last week.

The community grant program has been aiding Douglas County nonprofits for decades.

“Nonprofits do good work for pennies on the dollar with these grants,” said $10,000 recipient Incredible Kids Fund representative Renea Louie. “This represents a lot of hard work by applicants and staff and the nonprofits are extremely grateful.”

Carson Valley Quilt Guild Vice President Laurie Lile said their $1,500 grant will enable them to purchase materials to make 300 quilts for donation to various nonprofits and people in need.

Grants Administrator Debbie Swickard was credited with streamlining the program by Douglas Chief Financial Officer Terri Wiloughby.

“She’s really taken this program under her wing and made it run very smoothly,” Willoughby said.

Among the changes are moving the dates of applications up so nonprofits have the entire fiscal year to spend the money. Revenue for the grant funding included $120,000 from the general fund and $30,000 from the county’s indigent funds.

The biggest award was $18,750 for In Jesus Name Medical Ministries to replace their portable X-ray machine. The request combined several of the factors required for a successful grant, including being a one-time expenditure on something that would benefit Douglas County residents without charge.

Another medical grant was for $10,875 to purchase a half dozen automated external defibrillators for volunteer firefighter stations across Douglas County.

Welcome All Veterans Everywhere received $12,500 for its housing assistance program.

“Over the years, we have identified housing as the biggest challenge to our community, including our veterans and that need continues to grow,” officials said. “Since its inception 64 percent of WAVE’s funds have been on housing related costs.”

A series of town halls to reach out to residents by the Suicide Prevention Network was awarded $12,498.

“Currently, most prevention is crisis-driven intervention,” officials said. “Suicide Prevention Network will use an ‘upstream prevention’ approach by moving forward in the process to focus on the ultimate goal of preventing suicide by reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors.”

Installing new LED stage lighting in Minden’s CVIC Hall will help several nonprofits who use the hall.

“The town believes this project will be of great benefit to the entire Douglas County community,” Minden Town Manager JD Frisby wrote in support of the Carson Valley Community Theater’s $12,000 request. “All groups who use the stage, such as the theater company, the Pops, Carson Valley Arts Council and others will benefit from the modern lighting and cooler stage area. The current fixtures are over 25 years old and are limited due to the need for gels.”

DAWG received $10,000 to chase feral cats, so they can neuter and vaccinate them.

“Maintaining a healthy feral cat population assists in reducing the number of rodents in the community,” Douglas Animal Welfare Group said in its request.

Members of the Douglas County Audit Committee heard 23 requests for $261,697 on June 28. Four nonprofits weren’t funded at all and eight received less than they’d requested. Three of those were more regional organizations, like the Alpine Kids’ Ministry, Nevada Rural Counties Retired Service Volunteer Program and the Northern Nevada Dream Center. A $7,500 proposal to purchase child-sized tennis rackets and lessons for elementary school students sought by the Zephyr Cove Parents Club also was denied funding.


In Jesus Name Medical Ministries $18,750

WAVE Housing assistance for veterans $12,500

Carson Valley Community Theater $12,000

Suicide Prevention Network $12,498

Kids & Horses $12,322

Douglas Center for Hope and Healing $12,312

East Fork Volunteer Firefighters Association $10,875

Douglas Animal Welfare Group $10,000

Community Services Foundation $10,000

Tahoe Youth and Family Services $10,000

Carson Valley Community Food Closet $9,441

Partnership Douglas County $7,000

Me for Incredible Youth $5,000

Carson Valley Pops Orchestra $4,000

Healing Arena $2,250

Family Support Council $2,120

UNR Cooperative Extension $1,832

Carson Valley Quilt Guild $1,500

Between Horses and Humans $600


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