The Glory of Christ

Luke Wartgow | Carson Valley Bible Church

Luke Wartgow | Carson Valley Bible Church

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Christmas Day is right around the corner, and I can hardly believe it. As with every December, the time has flown by, and the 25th has “snuck” up on me again. Although I’m looking forward to spending time with loved ones, giving away a few gifts, and enjoying a piece(s) of homemade candy, my heart longs for something far better. I believe this is true for all of us; being made in the image of God, we long for the eternal instead of just the temporary. More specifically, we long for the Glory of God; we long to be captivated by what is most glorious. We long to behold the beauty, the majesty, the grandeur of the Creator of this world more than we could ever admit.

Friends, may I encourage you this Christmas to behold the Glory of God in Christ. Jesus himself desired this for us; in one of the most powerful prayers in all the Bible, Jesus expressed hope for his people to behold his glory (John 17:24). Truth be told, we glory in something every day. Every day there is a battle competing for our heart’s affection, trust, and praise. The world presents many ways to glory in yourself, but Jesus prays that we would glory in something far greater, Himself, the Creator, instead of the creation. The Glory of God was revealed in Jesus, for us. It is the Glory of Christ that reminds us that Jesus is the exact imprint of God, the full radiance of His glory (Hebrews 1:3). A truth that I love to ponder every time I look at a Nativity scene, that I’m not remembering a baby simply being born, but God taking on human flesh and declaring his glory for all to see.

In the Gospel of John, John summarizes the whole nativity scene with this very reality, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)

In the Glory of Christ, we see how much grace we have received, that he has given us something we could never give ourselves. It is in the Glory of Christ we know the Truth of ourselves, our situations, but also the Truth of his love for us. The Glory of Christ draws our hearts away from sin and rebellion and to his loving care.

All in all, I encourage you this Christmas to take a moment of reflection and ponder what is most glorious this Christmas. To let your heart delight in Jesus’ sake, “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” (2 Corinthians 4:6). Merry Christmas Carson Valley!

Luke Wartgow is lead pastor at Carson Valley Bible Church.


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