Wooster volleyball beats Carson for first time in 19 years

Senator libero Camille Kordonowy dives for one of her 21 digs against Wooster Tuesday night.

Senator libero Camille Kordonowy dives for one of her 21 digs against Wooster Tuesday night.

Every winning streak has to end eventually, as does every losing streak.

Tuesday night, Wooster High School volleyball ended a long drought in taking down Carson 16-25, 25-23, 26-24, 25-21 for the first time in at least 19 years.

Carson head coach Robert Maw said its the first time a Wooster team has beaten the Senators since he starting coaching at the school.

"It's a double-edge sword," said Maw. "It's nice to see Wooster being competitive. ... Kudos to them for putting together a program that's far better than it's ever been."

The first set was all Carson, as the Senators turned a 10-8 lead into an 18-9 lead behind several kills from Emily Bell, who put together a career-high 18 kills on the night.

Cami Larkin also had a solid night for the Senators with 10 kills and zero attacking errors.

The final three sets came down to three distinct moments for Carson, according to Maw.

In the second set Maw felt like the Senators took their foot off the pedal after Carson jumped out to an 11-4 lead to start the set.

"Just lack of terminating the ball," said Maw.

After Wooster came back to take the second set, the third set played in a deadlock the whole way with neither team gaining more than a two-point advantage.

In the final points of the set, Carson opted to set twice into a double block which allowed the Colts to take two points.

A missed serve gave Wooster a 25-24 lead and the Colts closed the set on the next point.

"It wasn't good setting decision on our part," said Maw. "We had Emily who was pounding the ball, ... and it should have been set out there."

The final game saw a similar result as game two in Maw's mind.

Carson held a 10-7 lead early in the set, but the Senators lost some discipline and allowed Wooster to hang around.

When it came to Wooster's offense, the majority of the kills came off the hands of Allison and Julie Lawrence.

At 17-17, Wooster reeled off five points in a row behind the serve of Allison Lawrence and the Colts never looked back.

"They're awesome. They're smart. They're good hitters and we knew that coming in," said Maw of Allison and Julie Lawrence.

UP NEXT: Sitting at 13-12 overall and 1-3 in Sierra League play, Carson will head to Douglas (15-7, 2-1) Thursday in need of a win to stay squarely in playoff contention.

"We have the same type of team on Thursday," said Maw. "Our regional game was today and in Douglas. ... We have to take care of buisness at Douglas and that's not going to be an easy task."


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