The Popcorn Stand: Time to celebrate our uniqueness

This must seem like Groundhog Day, but I’ve written this many times before.

I don’t know if we’re the greatest country in the world. I think at times we’re the greatest country in the world. I think we can be the greatest country in the world.

I think we’re the most unique country in the world. So if you were to argue we are the greatest nation in the world, I would say it’s because of our uniqueness.

I consider myself to be as patriotic of an American as anyone else. Those of you who choose to read this Popcorn Stand also know I’ve quoted Vince Lombardi when he said winning isn’t a sometime thing, it’s an all the time thing.

Well, patriotism isn’t a sometime thing. It’s an all the time thing.

In many respects I don’t pretend we’re far greater than any other nation. I don’t keep holding up the No. 1 foam finger.

Just because we keep chanting “We’re No. 1” doesn’t make it true. The fact is we do get surpassed from time to time by other countries and I think it takes a patriot to admit that.

But I’ve also written about this before what separates from the rest is our uniqueness and I’ve never been able to quite put my finger on it. Whatever our problems, whatever our dysfunction, America still stands for something to the rest of the world.

Call it the American Dream. Call it whatever you want. But people around the world still want a piece of that American Dream.

So I write again on Independence Day there’s no where in the world I’d rather be. And there are a lot of people around the world who still agree with me.

— Charles Whisnand


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