Carson City supervisors to begin budget process

The Board of Supervisors begins the fiscal year 2018-2019 budget process on Thursday when it hears revenue projections for the coming year.

According to the staff report, revenue from property tax is expected to increase 4 percent to $24.7 million while money from the consolidated tax is projected to jump 4 percent to $30.8 million.

The supervisors will set the city’s property tax rate for the fiscal year as the Department of Taxation requires all local governments to submit their rates by Feb. 22.

The board also will vote whether to accept the cost allocation plan prepared by Mahoney and Associates to be used for amounts charged to special and enterprise funds as part of its budget preparations.

The interlocal water agreement between Carson City and Lyon County is back to the board after it was determined additional language was needed at the supervisors last meeting.

Carson City and Lyon County have had an agreement in place since 2008 which lets them exchange water primarily while one jurisdiction is performing major maintenance on its water system. The language added makes it clear any leasing of water rights between the two parties will be temporary and not used to deliver will serve letters for service in either Carson City or Lyon County.

The board will rehear an item on tattoo parlors that it had sent back to the Planning Commission for further review.

The commission had recommended allowing tattoo parlors as a permitted use in retail commercial zones, but the board requested the commission consider making the businesses a conditional use, meaning parlors would need a special use permit. Last month, the commission reconsidered the item and decided to stick with its initial recommendation.

The board will hear first readings of two ordinances: one to change the process for appointing Planning Commission members and another to change the restaurant inspection process.

The board also will vote for staff to complete the Curry Streetscape Project design, which is now 90 percent complete.

The $4.2 million project will replace some utility lines, repave the street, and widen some sidewalks on five blocks of Curry Street between Musser and Robinson streets as well as one block of each side street between Carson and Curry streets and an alleyway between Spear and Telegraph streets.

The Board of Supervisors meets at 8:30 a.m. in the Sierra Room, Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St.


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