Letters to the editor for Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2018

Are we losing winter here in Carson City?

As January ended, there was still no snow on the V&T trail. I wonder, will we have any real winter in Carson City this year? Temperatures have consistently stayed 10 degrees or more above normal. The Appeal’s five-day forecast starting Jan. 30 expected highs from 54 to 64, when normal temperatures are 42 degrees. Native plants are starting to bud on the west side of town. As a golfer, I am not wholly disappointed, but what summertime temperatures will we be playing in June and July? Will we have enough water to keep the greens green? What if our summer temperature average of 85 increases by 15 degrees to 100? This makes me nervous.

When my wife and I moved here in 2003, we had no need of air conditioning, but with each succeeding year we have to run our air conditioner longer. Last year we ran our air conditioner almost five months starting in May and ending in September.

All four of the seasons are changing due to the increasing heat. Spring and fall are moving away from summer, which is getting longer. As our earth gets warmer, we are encountering unpredictable reactions from both flora and fauna (more rattlesnakes, for example). Increasing temperatures also cause major problems for farmers. The rising heat will continue to require farmers to adjust when to sow and when to reap.

So, where do we go from here? Will we lose winter? Scientists tell us to act to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. There are a number of groups working toward reducing CO2. The Citizens Climate Lobby is one group working here in Carson to save our winter. Check them out at citizensclimatelobby.org.

Bill Prowse

Carson City


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