Chamber News & Views: Election choices can affect your everyday life

Join the club if you think this has been one of the longest and contentious election seasons ever.

The choices we make on Nov. 8 will affect our lives and our pocketbooks in so many ways that not to vote responsibly is — or not to vote at all — is a disservice to all taxpayers.

In Nevada, we have the opportunity to “get our vote over with” beginning on Oct. 22 at the Courthouse. While some like the tradition of voting on the actual election day, those who vote early can tune out and get on with their lives until the results are made known.

The most interesting and disturbing race is that of President of the United States. Businesses will feel the impact of the acts of the outgoing President on Dec. 1 as many management employees revert to hourly status or are cut from payroll. Many have been feeling the impact of the high cost of ObamaCare and have chosen to pay the fine instead.

No matter who voters choose to replace Senator Harry Reid, the power once held by Nevada is gone. The race will be about which party will control the Senate. The House of Representatives is an important race as well. Both houses will have the responsibility of controlling the president – whether Hillary or Donald and that will be a tall order.

Our local legislative races are pretty much decided. There are no strong candidates to beat out the incumbent senator or challenge the Republican challenger for the Assembly. Those seats are most likely to remain within the same party. The statewide issue of primary concern is to allow folks to get high legally under Nevada law, although some local governments have opened the door to allowing medical marijuana dispensaries within their jurisdictions.

It’s the local races that truly affect everyday lives. Growth, streets, water, safety and more are issues that must be vetted closely. The decisions made by past local boards – rightly or wrongly – still affect us today. The decisions made by the board today will affect us well into the future.

Listen closely to the “promises,” and rhetoric of each and every candidate, remembering simply their one vote is just that — one vote — that may or may not impact the promise made.

The Chamber will be offering you a last look at those who want to take the responsibility of making decisions for you before the advent of early voting. Come hear what the candidates for Mayor and Supervisor have to say on Monday, Oct. 17 at 11:30 a.m. at the Gold Dust West. Are they singing your tune? You will have the opportunity to visually see them in action.

The luncheon meeting is open to the public at a cost of $18 per person. Those who wish not to attend the luncheon but want to be in the know, may view the video on when it is uploaded the next day. RSVP, please to 882-1565.

As they say, every vote counts!


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