Letters to the editor for Wednesday, June 15, 2016

What’s the best advice your dad ever gave you? Send your stories of fatherly advice, no more than 300 words, to editor@nevadaappeal.com, and the Appeal will run them on Father’s Day, June 19. Submissions also can be faxed to 775-887-2420 or mailed to the Nevada Appeal, 580 Mallory Way, Carson City NV 89701. Submissions are due on today.

Reporter’s article didn’t tell whole story

I thought it was a reporter’s job to provide an unbiased accounting of a story. Ms. Anne Knowles’ article made no mention of vital information by Mr. Chris Carver, Carson City citizen and candidate for Carson City Mayor at the RACC meeting.

Mr. Carver made three different statements at the meeting to highlight incomplete information provided to RACC from our chronically underperforming Community Development Manager, Mr. Lee Plemel. He provided information showing the Lopicollo’s received 100,000 Redevelopment dollars in 2007 to complete the same items contained in their current request! He also pointed out current project plans that contain violations of city codes that were dismissed by RACC and not addressed by either Mr. Plemel or DA Jason Woodbury. Mr. Carver had copies of old applications requiring those wanting money to “certify” their project complies with code and law. By omitting his statements from her article, Ms. Knowles impedes citizens’ understanding how Redevelopments funding is designed to “work” to benefit both business and Carson City as a whole.

Committees cannot make responsible decisions if not provided all relevant information and history to do so. They should not give hasty, uninformed approvals from incomplete and/or erroneous information brought forth by staff. But we don’t know any of this from reading Ms. Knowles’s article.

The Nevada Appeal should strive to avoid being labeled biased by omitting statements of “non favored” citizens or political figures in recapitulations of meetings, events, etc. This seems to be a recurring problem. Let’s get back to real reporting, please.

Lisa Helget

Carson City


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