Letters to the editor for Saturday, June 4, 2016

Damaged waterline floods Stagecoach neighborhood

On Memorial Day, I went outside to water some plants at about 6 p.m. and noticed a new lake of water in front of my property. I went to check it out in case I had a water leak. I followed the water flow to Abeline, a block past Pawnee at Iroquois, and noticed the water leakage was at least a block away.

I rushed back home to notify the Lyon County emergency line of the problem. I was informed they would contact the ... closed ... Stagecoach Water District regarding the problem.

After about 10 minutes, I headed back toward the water source and noticed the SGID truck had already arrived. And the utility worker from the SGID was actually shutting down the water supply in the street intersection, and he informed me that there was damage to the waterline.

When I returned home a few minutes later, one of my dogs started barking hysterically again, so I looked outside to see if someone was out front of my place trying to contact me.

SGID manager was taking photos of the water lost. She informed me that someone had broken into the meter pit box and damaged the pipe inside. It took two hours to repair the damage.

Mary Santomauro



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