Tahoe Douglas Elks 2670 installed new officers for 2016-2017. In the back row from the left are John Wise, Inner Guard, Twila Otto, Esteem Lecturing Knight, John Louritt, Treasurer, Shaaron Snead, Secretary, Virginia Bennett, Trustee, Greta Dehart, Trustee, Clay Hill, Trustee, Pat Hamilton, Tiler, and Neil Peddicord, Trustee. In the front row from the left are Chuch Otto, Esquire, Cheryl Peddicord, Esteem Leading Knight, Toni Wendt, Exalted Ruler, Rich Jones, Esteem Loyal Knight, and Bruce Warner, Chaplin.
Tahoe Douglas Elks 2670 installed new officers for 2016-2017. New officers are John Wise, Inner Guard, Twila Otto, Esteem Lecturing Knight, John Louritt, Treasurer, Shaaron Snead, Secretary, Virginia Bennett, Trustee, Greta Dehart, Trustee, Clay Hill, Trustee, Pat Hamilton, Tiler, and Neil Peddicord, Trustee. In the front row from the left are Chuch Otto, Esquire, Cheryl Peddicord, Esteem Leading Knight, Toni Wendt, Exalted Ruler, Rich Jones, Esteem Loyal Knight, and Bruce Warner, Chaplin.
The Grand Lodge Officers who installed the new officers are Jim Schramm, Grand Esquire, Tom Zogorski, Grand Esteem Lecturing Knight, Brad Sikes, Grand Trustee, Jim Plamenig, Grand Inner Guard and Grand Tiler. In the front row from the left are Earl Capehart, Grand Chaplin, Gary Wendt, Grand Esteem Loyal Knight, Dan Wells, Grand Exalted Ruler, Mary Wells, Grand Secretary, and Lisa Meinhart, Grand Esteem Leading Knight.