Past Pages for Saturday, Nov. 7, 2015

150 Years Ago

Advertisement. “Wood Choppers Take Notice — 50 men or more wanted immediately, to split 9,000 cords of wood, by contract at Empire City. For particulars inquire of A. Bassett. At Gillig, Mott & Co.’s Virginia or of A. B. Gaben, Empire City.”

130 Years Ago

Comstock. Jeromio, the bloody tar, was in Virginia City splicing the main brace and trying to keep his jib boom taut with the spanker. He had a cargo of enthusiasm over the New York election — and on his way to Empire.

110 Years Ago

Born at Lakeview to the wife of Joseph Berger, a son.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement. “Carson Theatre — ‘Call of the Wild’ with Clark Gable and Loretta Young. This is a re-issue and one of Gable’s best. Do not miss it. ‘Plantation Melodies’ and ‘Bugs Bunny Cartoon.’”

50 Years Ago

Fuji Park. A formal dedication will be held at Fuji Park. The park and its facilities, given to the county as a gift by a local resident, the late Mrs. Fuji (Basil) Woon, is on a 20-acre site East of the Ormsby County Farm on Clear Creek Road. In attendance are Ormsby County Commissioners William Goni and Ellis Folsom.

20 Years Ago

Piper’s Opera House. The state plans to issue $4 million in bonds to buy the 110-year-old structure and renovate the historic building. The opera house will be purchased from the owner, Louise Driggs, great-granddaughter of John Piper for $375,000.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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