Letters to the editor for Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Still waiting for manufacturing jobs

I have been reading about the manufacturing education in Nevada. My question is, what about the people who have years of manufacturing experience such as myself? I did wax injection for two companies for 18 years, yet I can’t find a job in this area.

Why doesn’t someone create manufacturing jobs in this area? This area has so much potential for growth, why all the foot dragging? Still waiting for a job.

Allen Ricketts

Carson City

Land transfer ‘lose, lose’ proposition

Where did Anne Macquarie get her information on the move to transfer control of Nevada land from federal agencies to the state and counties?

I had a chance to meet a number of ranchers. One of them was the late Grant Gerber, who with his sons in their blog “Smoked Bear” cataloged the depletion of wildlife caused by mismanagement of land by federal agencies that led to an increase in wildfires.

I also met Floyd Rathbun and Cliff Gardner. They had more than 100 years of ranching experience between them and knew Nevada before the encroachment of federal agents. They will tell you how the desert tortoise loves cattle, from whose manure they get nutrition and hydration. They are dying off now because of the forced retirement of many ranchers.

As for the sage grouse, you’ll find them flourishing around working ranches, but growing more and more scarce in the millions of acres classified as “wilderness areas” and “areas of critical environmental concern.” These are the areas Macquarie must have referred to as places she enjoys hiking and biking in.

Farmers and ranchers before the federal agent managed the land quite well. And the state benefited from the jobs they provided and the taxes they paid. It’s a lose, lose proposition now, with the land not producing revenue and the feds siphoning off money for maintenance from other sources.

Macquarie should see what really is happening and close her ears to the sirens’ call of the liberals who want to deny the public the use of public land.

Jim Falk



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