SILVER DOLLARS AND WOODEN NICKELS: Carson City area can relax over this ranking

The Nevada Appeal’s Silver Dollars & Wooden Nickels feature recognizes achievements from the capital region and, when warranted, points out other acts that missed the mark.

SILVER DOLLAR: The confirmations the Carson City area is a great place to live keep coming. First, USA Today rated Carson City as the nation’s top capital destination. Now, a website which deals with financial issues, has rated Carson City as the second best retirement destination right behind Gardnerville. Of course, we’ve known all along Carson City and Douglas County are great places for everyone to live.

SILVER DOLLAR: To Terry Cuyler for her program, READing PAWS, which uses therapy dogs to help students and adults improve their reading skills.

SILVER DOLLAR: To the Kiwanis Club, which is celebrating its 100th birthday. And to all those locally who are with Kiwanis for all of their community service.

SILVER DOLLAR: To Brett Kolb and Larkin Russell of the Carson Tigersharks for winning their age divisions in the Blizzard Blast swim meet.

WOODEN NICKEL: Despite efforts to fix Nevada’s Food Stamp Program, it appears the program will still face a fine from the federal government. States are required to hit certain accuracy and timeliness benchmarks in order to avoid fines. The state’s error rate is about 8 percent, more than double the national average. The program was warned in September about the possible fine and hasn’t moved fast enough to fix the issues.


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