Past Pages for Saturday, Jan. 10, 2015

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140 Years Ago

Advertisement. “Pianos, organs, sewing machines and Berlin wool. R. Fred. Brooks dealer in Books, stationery, musical instruments, baby buggies, cutlery, toys, guns, pistols and ammunition ... Orders to any part of the state solicited, and musical instruments repaired. Store in Rinckel’s new brick building, next to the Theater, Carson City, Nevada.”

130 Years Ago

Terrible night at Cave Rock. As the evening wore on, Reik was so cold he was afraid he could no longer maintain a position on the ledge. He thought that while the bear’s attention was engaged by the birds, he would step down and make his escape. He finally reached the mouth of the cavern and emerged from the darkness into the open air and saw the lake in front of him. He was soon on the road to Glenbrook and reached Robinson’s hotel at three in the morning. Mr. Short and Captain Pray accompanied by Messrs. Elliott and Jellerson went out on New Year’s Day well armed to find the bear. His tracks to and from the cave corroborated Reik’s story. The horse was found dead near the lake shore, but the one that escaped has not yet been seen.

110 Years Ago

All sorts. Two lodgers who were sleeping in the Grand Central hotel in Reno were chloroformed and about $100 in cash, a gold watch and other valuables were taken.

70 Years Ago

Lindberg baby. The trial of Bruno Richard Hauptmann began as Col. Lindbergh was on the stand and identified Hauptmann as the man with the marked German accent who called — “Hey, doctor, over here!” when Doctor J. F. Condon paid the $50,000 ransom money ...

50 Years Ago

The “Nevada Rock Roller” was the name of a weekly newspaper published in Reno during the early 1900s when mining was the biggest business in Nevada.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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