Job search tips from Carson City Health and Human Services Workforce Program

This column appears in the Nevada Appeal Wednesday health pages. It addresses topics related to the health of our community.

On Feb. 27, Carson City jobseekers will once again have the opportunity to meet face to face with prospective employers during a job fair coordinated by Carson City Health and Human Services and the Carson City Chamber of Commerce. While those looking for a job may think simply showing up to the job fair is the first step in becoming employed, the truth is, with a little preparation beforehand, the chances of being hired by one of the 55 companies in attendance increases dramatically.

Lynn Ellis, Carson City’s Workforce Program case manager, suggests job applicants take steps to ensure they are ready to put their best foot forward when the opportunity arises to meet potential employers. Ellis helped more than 150 Carson City residents find jobs last year. She offers the following tips for upping your job search game:

Dress for success: It’s often been said “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” Whether you’re looking to move up in the corporate world, land your first job, or rejoin the workforce after some time off, it’s important to show hiring managers you can represent their company well through your dress and demeanor.

Concentrate on applying for jobs you are qualified for: There’s no reason to waste time applying for jobs for which you’re unlikely to be hired, when you could instead focus on openings that are well-suited to your skills and experience. What are you good at? Make sure you convey all the reasons you’re the best fit for the job opening.

Polish your résumé: Spend time customizing your résumé for the job you want. Make sure you include keywords that describe your skills which are relevant to the job description to get the attention of the people reviewing your application.

Brag a little bit: Be honest with yourself and those who may hire you about your experience and abilities, but don’t be afraid to tell people what a standout you are at a particular skill. Let them know why you’re the best for the position.

Be familiar with the job: There’s a good chance if you get the opportunity to go to an interview, you will be asked about the job you’re applying for or about the company itself. Do your homework and be prepared to answer those questions. Why do you want to work there?

For anyone who would like help preparing for the job fair, polishing a résumé, practicing interview skills, or learning to fill out job applications, Carson City Health and Human Services’ Workforce Program offers a weekly job skills workshop, Workforce Strategies, every Wednesday from 2-4 p.m. at 900 E. Long St. in Carson City.

For more information about the job fair or the Workforce Strategies, call Lynn Ellis at 283-7579. To learn more about other Health Department programs and services, visit or “like” us on Facebook at


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