Fred LaSor: Democrats don’t walk the walk

An opinion column last week urges women to vote, then describes at great length all the horror Republicans have allegedly brought to American women but disingenuously refrains from telling readers which candidates to vote for.

The column deserves a reply. At the risk of triggering an audit by the IRS, here is one observer’s take on where we are as a nation after six years of Democrat rule in Washington, D.C., and what continued Democrat control of the Senate will only perpetuate. First of all, we have a White House that pays its women employees 70 cents for every dollar paid to men working in the same office. No matter what the President says in frequent fundraising speeches, it’s clear his administration can talk the talk but it does not walk the walk.

While several women who advise the President on a daily basis — Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice and Samantha Power — earn competitive salaries, others do not. And recent commentary by one-time insiders Robert Gates and Leon Panetta (both former Defense Secretaries) do not give high marks to their advice, particularly as regards to Libya and Syria.

Next, we have a civilian work force with the lowest participation by women since 1988. And a recent study from George Mason University says the new health care will push more women than men into part-time work as employers hold down costs, thus reducing income and healthcare coverage disproportionately for women. Again, the Democrats can talk the talk, but women will not be able to take that to the bank. It’s a nasty pattern. Think about that: fewer women are being paid for their work than a quarter century ago and a reputable study says it will only get worse. This is not by design: few of this administration’s failures were planned. But these are some unintended consequences of poorly deliberated policies, including not enforcing immigration law and pushing Obamacare through without bipartisan support.

The flood of illegal immigrants from Mexico and further south will impact women heavily. Many low-wage employees (disproportionately women) will see wages at their end of the scale depressed by these new arrivals. There’s also mounting evidence communicable diseases are showing up in increasing numbers from south of our border, affecting children (and their mothers) unequally.

Look closely at the Affordable Care Act, also called Obamacare. Full implementation has cynically been delayed so Democrat candidates will not have to go into this election facing criticism the public was lied to about this dreadful law. But it’s not too early to see that indeed we will NOT be able to keep our doctor if we like him, that health costs will NOT be pushed down, and the law is full of dubious features like insisting religious orders violate their conscience.

It’s true women’s healthcare will see some benefits: contraception and abortion should both be cheaper and more readily available. But right now Democrats, in Washington are fighting a Republican plan to make the pill available without a prescription. This can only be seen as a cynical ploy to make Obamacare appear more attractive.

And finally (for purposes of this column — there are many more issues that will creep up if Harry Reid preserves his satrapy) Democrats solidly support the President’s policy to increase the cost of traditional sources of energy. This is done to “save the planet,” we are told, but that’s a matter of faith, not science. And the policy will most heavily impact the poor, single-parent families, students and young adults. These are the populations Democrats say they care about, but given misguided economic policies, Obamacare, and unrestrained immigration from the south, we see once again Democrats don’t walk the walk.

I too would like to urge everyone to register and vote if they are able. Vote for your job, for your pocketbook and for your kids and grandkids. And remember, as you do, what a hash this administration has made of foreign policy and the economy. We deserve better. Vote informed and wisely.

Fred LaSor retired to the Carson Valley after a career overseas with the U.S. Government. He and his wife are keen observers of American life and politics.


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