Letters to the editor for Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014

Think of others and drive safer

I would like to take this time to thank the majority of drivers that had to take Division Street due to the lighting of the Christmas tree downtown and the closing of Carson Street.

So many of you did the speed limit and even drove slower then the speed limit. Then there were the few that thought it was their way to get around faster since there is never any patrols back here on the west side of our beautiful little city.

Please remember that we have animals, children, people walking, biking and driving on this road just like your road you live on. We have a big beautiful young buck that travels back here with its herd. Stray animals and animals that belong to people sometimes get out without our knowing and our wildlife that travels this neighborhood appreciate it when you look out for them.

Let’s make this a beautiful Christmas and think of others besides just pressing on the gas pedal harder.

Rhonda Glisson

Carson City


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