Letters to the editor for Thursday, April 24, 2014

Reedy has a rich history in area, thinks creatively

By choosing Robin Reedy for Assembly District 39, we can select someone who already knows this community having actually lived in our district for more than 25 years. She has a “can do” attitude, always thinking outside the box, and never stopping in her quest of doing something for her community.

Here is just one example. Having been brought up in a difficult childhood, she recently founded a Douglas chapter of the National Alliance for Mental Illness for which she serves as chair. Reedy’s more than 20 years of public service as well as her many years of volunteer work makes her my choice for Assembly District 39. She creatively thinks outside the box.

Do you really want another two years of mediocrity from her opponent? Vote for Reedy, Assembly District 39 in the June 10th primary!

Sheri Cox


Obama could simply enforce equal-pay law

President Obama made a big thing about signing an Executive Order to address the discrepancy in pay between men and women. Sound familiar? President Obama is a classic con man. He conned millions in to believing a community organizer could successfully administer the Oath of Office for the highest office in our government.

You know the facts. He is an illusionist, just like you see in the Reno or Las Vegas showrooms. While he’s doing something out front, something else is happening elsewhere on stage. In this case the illusion is he cares about peoples’ pay. Narcissists don’t care about other people at all — as long as they lavish the narcissist with praise. He made a big deal about women’s pay because he wants people to move on from Obamacare which is collapsing under its own weight.

How can I be sure about the equal pay act? Because John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act of 1963 on June 10, 1963. Kennedy’s equal pay act is also known as Public Law 88-37 (77 Stat 56). If President Obama really cared about women’s pay, he would have his attorney general simply enforce the existing federal law — but that’s not what he wants. He wants you to believe equal pay is a big issue for this November’s election — it isn’t.

I am Ron Landmann from Minden, and I approved this letter to the editor.

Ron Landmann



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