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140 Years Ago

Narrow escape: Miss Dora Lorraine, dressed in a light muslin dress, was performing the last act of “Jack Sheppard” when her dress took fire ... Several gentlemen rushed upon the stage and tore the burning portion of garment from her person. Little damage was done to it. (Pioche Record)

130 Years Ago

Wild story from Cherry Creek: People are excited over the appearance of a wild woman, partly nude with her long hair flowing down over her shoulders. She was seen on the mountains by some boys hunting raspberries. She was sitting in the shade and when she saw them, gave a shriek and took a leap down the mountainside. A. W. Aiken, agent for Robinson’s circus, took a party of men and will pay $1,000 for the capture of the woman ...

70 Years Ago

Visiting: Mrs. Lester Groth has been visiting friends while in the bay area. Mrs. Groth will visit her son, Lester, who is in the United States Navy.

50 Years Ago

Photo caption: Tahoe Wagon Train — Two men, Chan Laughlin, Mr. Shasta, California and ‘Mana,’ an artist from Arizona, went through Carson City on their way to join the annual Wagon Train march, leaving Lake Tahoe for Placerville, Calif. The pair will accompany the train on foot.

30 Years Ago

Daylight-savings will remain a six-month phenomenon. The House defeated legislation to extend daylight-savings time to an extra month each year.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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