Past Pages

130 Years Ago

Since Uncle George Tufly has taken possession of the State Treasury he had broken down every chair in that department with his weight. An iron chair is now being cased for him in the foundry weighing about two tons...

120 Years Ago

All sorts: "The Spider and the Fly Company" will be along with "Jaugerine" the famous swords woman as the leading attraction at the opera house.

70 Years Ago

Infantile paralysis: Thirty-five dollars, half of the proceeds of the Stewart-Carson basketball game, has been donated by the Carson high school student association to the infantile paralysis fund...

50 Years Ago

Baby names: Girls names for 1963 are: Tammy, Lori, Debra, Tracy, April, Terry... Boys names are Michael, William, James, Stephen...

30 Years Ago

United Mining Corporation announced that they have purchased all the gold and silver properties on the Comstock Lode, Silver City and Brunswick Faults and the mill owned by Houston International Minerals Corp.

10 Years Ago

The Liberty Belle Saloon won the showdown to keep the Reno landmark at the same location it has been for 44 years.

• Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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