Letters to the editor

BLM breaks all rules on compassion for horsesThe U.S. Bureau of Land Management is issuing new policy directive emphasizing compassion and concern for wild horses.In response to a growing public outcry over alleged abuse, during roundups of thousands of mustangs in recent years, federal laws protecting wild horses since the 1970s require the government to treat them humanely. BLM has ignored the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 protecting roaming horses from harassment, cruelty and death. BLM has broken all the rules that pertain to compassion for wild horses in the past several years. There are claims the same practices on the ground at the roundups will remain the same. Isn’t this the area where all the harassment has taken place on the ground of wild horses? Isn’t it time to replace the person responsible for the harassing treatment of wild horses? The growing public outcry in the Nevada Appeal will not end.Advocates like myself from California to the East Coast want to see that this harassment has come to an end. Stop the over-roundups of wild horses before it’s too late. The future of mustangs is slaughter plants, and we resent it. It is so obvious.Bob MartiniDaytonFeb. 16 edition shows papers’ ageless valueThe Feb. 16 Nevada Appeal had a wonderful article on how seventeen year old Nicole changed her attitude and became a role model for other kids. Sent this to my granddaughter in Oregon.Next was the wonderful insight “Needless Programs Erode our Critical-Thinking Skills” by Ann Bednarski. Ann expressed how the plethora of rules and regulations can dumb down some of our young folks in the classroom. I copied and sent that article to my daughter and friends. Are newspapers disappearing? Not for this subscriber!James KingsburyWashoe Valley


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