Audit panel urging performance aspect to fleet management look

A recommended audit of Carson City government fleet management will include a performance review if city supervisors go along with the latest plan from the city's Audit Committee.

The advisory panel voted Tuesday without dissent for a motion from Supervisor John McKenna, the city governing board's representative on the audit panel, to include the performance review.

McKenna's motion also included an element that could provide up to $15,000 for possible implementation of waste, fraud and abuse recommendations following the review.

The committee already has recommended to the city's governing board a review of fleet management efficiency and a second-phase waste, fraud and abuse audit. Part of implementing results from the second-phase audit could involve a city waste, fraud and abuse hotline.

Mark Steranka, director of policy and planning for Moss-Adams LLP, the certified public accountants and business consultants handling internal audit tasks for the city, said the performance aspect could be folded into the fleet management audit if supervisors decide to proceed. If they do, work would start later this fiscal year by Moss-Adams.

Audit Committee Chairman Michael Bertrand said he envisioned the "expanded scope" to include measures that could become a template for performance measures throughout city government.

Committee members also discussed briefly the idea of a review regarding fire department overtime, but McKenna suggested talking with the department to see if there is any problem before proceeding.

Moss-Adams earlier this year provided analyses of the leased, city-owned Eagle Valley Golf complex, prospects for handling costs of indigent Public Defender coverage by the city-county, and facility cost recovery by the Parks and Recreation Department.


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