Timeout with Casey Wolfe

NAME: Casey Wolfe

SCHOOL: Carson High

SPORT: Baseball

GRADE: Junior

Q: What are your favorite sports and why?

A: My favorite sports are baseball and baseball. Since I could talk, I have developed a love for the game, the atmosphere around it, the smell of the grass, the look of a freshly groomed field, camaraderie between the teams, the excitement of hitting the ball deep, and legging out a triple, or hitting it out and touching them all. The best place on Earth is a baseball stadium.

Q: Who is your favorite professional athlete and why?

A: J.T. Snow. He is my favorite athlete because he played first base for my favorite team (the San Francisco Giants). He was a great first baseman. I liked how he kept his composure on the field. He is my idol for how a baseball player acts on and off the field.

Q: How do you feel about drug/alcohol testing at the high school level? Should it be random or should every body who plays a sport be tested during the season?

A: I feel that the drug and alcohol testing is one of the best things that the athletic department ever did. The testing should be random and should be mandatory for everybody on the team. The testing is a great thing because it gives athletes in a tight spot a way out and keep every athlete's integrity intact.

Q: If you saw a teammate using drugs/alcohol, would you talk to him or turn him into the coach?

A: If I ever saw a teammate using drugs or alcohol, I would take them aside and talk to them and ask them why. Then I would report them to the coach, but I would be with them the entire time.

Q: What are your hobbies?

A: My hobbies are hanging out with friends and trying new things.

Q: Do you have a favorite TV show.

A: I like anything on the MLB Network

Q: What is your favorite food.

A: Chinese food.

Q: What is the last non-academic book you read?

A: Winning State by Steve Knight

Q: Who is your favorite musician?

A: Blake Shelton

Q: What has been your most thrilling moment in sports

A: When my basbell traveling team won a tournament in Redding, Calif.

Q: After graduation, where do you plan to attend college and what do you plan on majoring in.

A: I would love to attend Arizona State. I would like to major in engineering.


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