Caregivers are surely another kind of hero

As Americans, we love to see movies with heroes dodging flying bullets and catching the bad guys. But today, things are not so black and white, and perhaps there is another kind of hero to recognize.

This hero could be someone you know, such as a your next-door neighbor or your local grocery clerk. Many of these heroes are quiet full-time caregivers who show just as much courage and strength as any hero on the silver screen.

Heroism is defined differently in the small caregiver group meetings at St. Peter's Episcopal Church. It is applauded and supported, and all are welcome to attend. Caregivers find specialized resources and others who know exactly how hard and rewarding it is to be a caregiver.

Every first and third Thursday night at St. Peter's Episcopal Church, local caregivers in the Caregiver Support Group tell stories of courage and selflessness.

They join the ranks of the 45 million Americans who give up their safe and sane lives to care for a chronically ill or disabled loved one full-time. That means 24 hours a day, seven days a week without pay. Some of them take early retirement from work - not to travel the world, but to move into an aging parent's home and take care of them so they do not have to go to an assisted living facility.

These heroes stand up for their aging and seriously ill loved ones in hospital emergency rooms so that they receive the best medical care and respect.

At the meetings, caregivers recount how they have had to travel to other states and rescue their adult disabled children from abusers and people who prey on others who are sick.

The next meetings are at 5:30 p.m. March 1 and 15 March in the Parish Hall at 314 N. Division St. in Carson City.

For more information, call Deb Cash at 775-887-8846.


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