Letters to the Editor June 14

Thank you to firefighters who responded quickly

Thank you very much to the Central Lyon County Fire Department, Storey County Fire Department, Lyon County Sheriff's Office, Search and Rescue, Lyon County Road Department and agencies who responded to the horrible brush fire from Grosh that blew down the Agnew's home and a neighbor's garage on Rose Peak Drive.

Despite the terribly high winds and choking heavy smoke, you were somehow able to contain the loss to the Agnew's home and garage, their beloved dog, and a neighbor's garage.

Those of us beside and immediately downwind are very grateful for your courage and skill, especially knowing a number of you are volunteer firefighters.

Cheryl Frair


GOP needs to embrace civil rights, freedom

Why does the Republican party hate families?

The Republican party, wrapped in the flag while ignoring the Constitution, and loudly claiming to be fighting for family values, is actually aggressively doing exactly the opposite.

This election season, they are ramping up their rhetoric to instill fear and hatred against an already disenfranchised group of people to continue to prevent them from enjoying the civil and human rights they should have. I'm speaking about same-sex couples.

Why do powerful political figures feel it is in the best interest of the country to further marginalize people for their own political gain? They couch their bigotry in grand misnomers like marriage protection and protecting family values, but in reality, they are not interested in protecting anything, because nothing is threatened by same-sex couples. Preventing people from forming families is not protecting or promoting family values.

From a state perspective, marriage is a legal contract between two people affording certain legal rights relating to property and contractual obligations. There is no religious significance to marriage as far as the state and the legal system are concerned. As such, the religious arguments against same-sex marriage are irrelevant.

From a societal standpoint, there is no significant difference between same-sex couples and childless ones. So why all the fear of homosexuals?

Don't buy into the hate and fear-mongering. Stand up for real freedom and embrace civil rights. The country will be better for it.

Jeff Fine

Carson City

All schools should consider four-day week

I am writing this letter to express my opinion regarding a four-day school week. The four-day school week system will be a simple solution for state legislators trying to decide ways to cut education costs. Schools will easily save more money by only being open four days a week.

Transportation costs will be reduced because students would only have to be bused to school four days rather than five. The school's heating bills will be reduced, as well, due to shorter school weeks.

Since most states are suffering from a terrible economy and huge amounts of debt, this chance to save money and possibly remove debt in the nation needs to strongly be considered.

School districts that already use the four-day school week have noticed an increase in attendance with both teachers and students. Instead of parents scheduling their child's doctor or dentist appointments during school, they can now schedule the appointment on their child's off day, which would prevent the child from missing school.

With students having Friday or Monday off, they are granted an extra day to complete school assignments and feel more prepared and less overwhelmed.

A four-day school week is a great option for schools to consider, for it guarantees a reduction in spending. In addition, the system would be greatly appreciated by students who enjoy a break and free time, which is something every high school student would like.

McKenzie Comba

Carson City

Schools needs to focus on achievement

A majority of American public school educators inaccurately believe being equal means being the same, thus they teach that no one is superior in any way.

Then they strive for the lowest common denominator when their goal should be to raise everyone to his or her highest degree.

Our educational system and the whole country used to be strong because we recognized, encouraged and developed our thinkers, pioneers and inventors. The present educational system would do well to return to teaching the highest ideals and talents of the human spirit.

The problem with public school education today is the people doing the educating and what they are teaching our children.

JeanAnn Fitzgerald



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