Eugene Paslov: Are we going in the wrong direction?

Are we going in the wrong direction? Donuts are not nutritious. Too much sugar. Not enough substance.

Gov. Brian Sandoval brought the camped-out students donuts in front of the Legislature and tried to convince them that the massive budget cuts to education and other social services would help them and the state. The students knew better. You can't "cut" your way out of a recession. You can't rebuild by destroying the foundation of our society-universities, colleges, K-12 schools and essential social services. Some cuts may be necessary, but according to most responsible economists and many thoughtful political leaders, you must also increase revenues, broaden the tax base, and stimulate economic growth. The current strategy is to cut deep and often.

Nevada citizens I talk with just want good schools, a first rate university and college system, well paying jobs, health care and retirement security. They want a future for their children. They are not afraid of taxes and will pay more if those receiving them are accountable. I suspect the general public is deeply disappointed with the inability of some politicians to do what is necessary to improve the quality of our lives.

A Reno newspaper (May 19, 2011) had a front page story about the "Graying of Nevada." One of the points was older citizens are coming and staying in Nevada. The author also makes the point, although it varies by county, that the state is losing population-many younger families and their children. The loss of a productive population will cause Nevada's economic hole to grow deeper.

The sound of the budget- cutting crescendo has become deafening. On May 11 I attended a Joint meeting of the Assembly Committee on Ways and Means and Senate Committee on Finance. The Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation's budget was under discussion. The Budget Office - developing the "governor's recommendation" position in the proposed budget - had cut general funds for services to the blind and disabled. DETR staff told the committee that the general fund cut was going to cost in excess of $5 million in federal matching funds (no replacements). The Democratic leadership tried to restore the cuts. Republican committee members sat in stony silence. Rather than do the right thing and be taken to the "gubernatorial- woodshed," they just supported the governor's recommendation Nevada citizens lose.

Our state cannot be nourished by right-wing political rhetoric (cut services to those who can't fight back). We need to be political risk-takers-explore new revenues, make some cuts where necessary, but build a vigorous economy over the long term that produces substantive education and good paying jobs.

Unfortunately, Sandoval is digging Nevada's economic hole deeper.

• Eugene Paslov is a board member of the Davidson Academy at the University of Nevada, Reno, and the former Nevada state superintendent of schools.


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