Letters to the editor Aug. 28

Marshall will protect us from 'money grabbers'

Hitler proved, a lie repeated over and over can confuse some people into thinking the lie is the truth.

The Republican Party is using Hitler's tactics to make some voters forget they saw Amodei support the Ryan Plan, that would change Medicare into a voucher program, increasing seniors' out of pocket expenses.

Amodei said, "I told my mom, I have changed my mind." It's Marshall, Reid and Obama who want to cut Medicare $500 billion.

Democrats want to cut Medicare abuse and fraud, thank God. Medicare needs more oversight. It takes more investigators to find the abuse and fraud.

Medicare is here to help seniors with legitimate medical problems, not to make unscrupulous health providers richer.

For us to pay an extra 17 percent for a private substitute for Medicare, that some health providers will not accept, is preposterous. Many of us buy add-on medical coverage.

The real reason insurance companies have paid the Republicans to fight Obama Care, is they don't want to spend 85 cents of every insurance dollar paid insurance premiums on actual health care. They want to keep it at a low 65 cents.

The Republicans don't care if they get caught in a lie. They only have to affect 2 or 3 percent of the voters, or get voters to stay home in disgust and not vote.

Kate Marshall is a Democrat. We need more Democrats in the House of Representatives, to protect us from the money grabbers.

Frank Johnston

Carson City

'Wooden Nickel' should have gone to Bernanke

Regarding your "Wooden Nickel" awarded to banks who are going to charge for debit card use. I believe your award to them is ill-founded. To substantiate my claim, let's examine the reason for the necessity of the banks to make those charges.

The charges for debit card use are being made necessary as an unintended consequence of Federal Reserve actions. Prior to the near-zero interest rates as those being thrust upon us by the Fed, banks were able to earn interest income by the investing of excess reserves such as overnight lending to other banks or the purchase of short-term Treasury bills. Now, with the Fed dictating near-zero interest rates, those investments are no longer available as income producers.

I would suggest the "Wooden Nickel" be sent to Fed Chairmen Bernanke since his interest rate actions are costing all of us dearly, either through the new bank charges or the absence of any interest being earned on our savings.

John Devenish

Carson City

Ridiculous bear hunt should have been stopped

What a shame. On Saturday, Aug. 20, I traveled to Lovelock, Nev., for a Lions Club meeting. I left early and I always enjoy the desert at sunrise. On the way I saw seven different groups of wild mustangs, most fairly close to the highway. What an awesome scene, it was almost breathtaking.

Then it dawned on me, this was the day that the great white hunters with the Daniel Boone syndrome went out to "kill them a bar." The ridiculous and ludicrous new bear hunt had started.

First, I hope they were and are unsuccessful, and second, I would like the Nevada Department of Wildlife, which issued the permit, to publish the hunters' names in the paper. We should all know who these poor excuses of sportsmen are.

Mike Shaughnessy

Carson City

Fundraiser was a good time, for a good cause

Just a big thank you to Sherrie and Joanne for such a special fun time at the "Bobby the Boxer" fundraiser. The ladies did a terrific job organizing this event. Everything ran so smoothly and what a friendly atmosphere. I might add the tri tip was delicious thanks to some young man named Troy.

I am really taken at how sweet and loving Bobby is - being around him puts such a lump in your throat and possibly a tear in your eye. How wonderful that so many caring people turned out to help this wonderful puppy.

With the money raised, they will be able to continue with the best care possible for his medical needs. Makes me wonder how the people feel that dumped him in a local park at about 7 weeks old.

When the money starts to run out again and you hear they are holding another fundraiser to help this little guy, I hope you will be able to attend. It certainly is well worth it.

Thanks again Sherrie and Joanne.

Rita Henderson


Why is bear hunt allowed to go on?

I am seriously bothered about how this bear hunt is still being allowed to proceed. I am also disturbed by the fact that NOBEARHUNTNV has provided many sources that took polls that have shown an overwhelming disapproval - 72-86 percent - against having this hunt. There were also 4,000 letters that were sent to Governor Brian Sandoval and Nevada Department of Wildlife letting them know that they were against the hunt compared to the 56 that were in favor.

The number of Nevadans who applied for bear tags is 1,124, and NOBEARHUNTNV has provided over 15,000 signatures - some of those, hunters - who oppose the bear hunt.

So why is Nevada having this hunt? It's not because of overpopulation; NDOW's own bear document explains what is really happening.

"The bear population is not increasing; it is only redistributing itself into urban areas because their habitat is being seriously degraded by human development, drought and fire."

So again, I ask, why are we having this hunt? Well, Chris Healy of Public Relations of NDOW has answered my question; it's for bear hide and a head to hang on their wall, so what happens to the rest of the bear? The last I heard bear is not a desirable source of meat. What a waste!

The NOBEARHUNTNV is growing, 560 members strong, and will not stop until this reckless act on bears in Nevada is stopped.

Jessica McDonald


Bear hunting rules are head scratching

In the regulations for the bear hunt, it states that hunters cannot club sows or cubs. Does this indicate that bear-hunting bozos think that this barbaric practice is acceptable? What country am I living in?

Nancy Laird

Washoe Valley


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