Voting for Howell

As a long-time resident of Douglas County I am concerned about the direction that our county and local government are headed. Our community faces a myriad of issues not the least of which is an economic downturn that presents the very real possibility of reductions in county services and lay offs of county personnel. Those who we elect into public office have to be the best of the best, innovative, responsible and devoted to the needs of their constituents. I'm tired of politicians, I want problem solvers!

This election we have the opportunity to bring demonstrated, experienced leadership to our county commission. Now, more than ever before, we need a man like Lawrence Howell.

I first became acquainted with Lawrence more than ten years ago when I had the privilege to serve with him on the Parks and Recreation Commission. During the terms that we served together we addressed a variety of issues that the department faced, not the least of which was bringing a skateboard park to the Carson Valley. Those who remember the efforts also remember the benefits that the facility has brought to our community. During my tenure on the parks commission, and the period that I served as its chairman, I was impressed with Lawrence's insight and tenacity. He is a fact finder with the ability to sort through difficult issues. He is a consummate problem solver who possesses the unique ability to stand by his ideals while remaining open to the ideas of others. His service to the commission was invaluable and continued during his more recent appointments to the planning commission.

As a business executive, Lawrence brings critical skills to the table. The ability to work within a budget, the willingness to make difficult fiscal decisions and an insight into how those decisions affect others. He has worked hard to develop an incredible familiarity with problems that face Douglas County.

In this election cycle, more than once I found myself "holding my nose" in the voting booth and voting for the candidate who I felt would do the least harm. In Lawrence's case, however, the opposite was true. I truly had the opportunity to vote for someone who we can all believe in, an informed, conservative and responsible leader who will serve our community with distinction and hold true to our values.

Stanton Lamb

Carson Valley


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