Helping overseas


My name is Norma Freitas, cosmetologist at Shear Heaven Salon. I was out of the country to educate and help make a difference for the ladies there in Kabul, Afghanistan, . What a journey and life change experience it was, the students that I was able to help were like branches on a tree to help their communities and understand how continued education is key in any part of the world. I was able to touch on haircutting, coloring, foil placement and they taught me how to thread. Now that was interesting. We were also able to do makeup classes and basic mani and pedis. The desire for those ladies to learn is everlasting.

I'd like to thank my family, friends and clients that have seen me through this adventure that I was able to have. I love you all.

Also, my sponsors - T.I. and Oasis Rescue advancing, empowering, and educating women, Salon Centrix of Reno for donating product, Cosmo Prof of Carson City for donating product and Carson City Beauty Academy for letting me get the training for my instructors diploma. For anyone out there who may need a change in career, those folks at the CCBA will help guide and give you that opportunity.

I do need to mention for our men and women in Camp Eggers, Thank you for your loyalty in keeping our country safe and may god bless us all.

Norma Freitas



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