Vote no on Question 1


Carson Valley residents negatively impacted in recent years by the large increase in number of jet and other large aircraft routinely overflying Valley homes to and from the Minden-Tahoe Airport have every right to be concerned about the passage of county ballot question No. 1 - the airport weight limit ordinance amendment measure. Passage of the measure, and subsequent action planned by the county and special interests to increase the bearing strength of airport runway ramps and taxiways to match the existing runway strength, will surely open the door to the potential of more and larger jet overflights.

For residents already made to feel like their homes lie in the landing zone of a regional jet port, the increase in noise will be intolerable and will further erode valley dwelling value, quality of life, and the rural character of the valley that the vast majority of residents are so interested in preserving. The existing wording of the ordinance fails to adequately address these concerns and safeguard the well-being of valley residents. Since the county cannot guarantee that passage of the ballot measure as currently written won't lead to an increase in more and larger jet flight operations at the airport, please vote "No" on county ballot question No. 1.

Dave McNeil



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