OK airport ordinance


A bad law is a bad law, period. How can a law be good if it doesn't protect the citizens or give its citizens control? How can a law be good if it is NOT enforced because it's not enforceable? What kind of a law penalizes the citizens of Douglas County instead of the culprit? A bad law is a bad law, right?

Well that's exactly what the citizens of Douglas County have been living with for the past 18 years with the current airport ordinance.

Penalizes our citizens, how you ask? Well, when a law causes the local taxpayers to pony up a $1 million or more per year for the next 19 years I'd call that a whopping big penalty, would you Bo? And what does the culprit get? A "Please don't do it" request, some penalty. Heck, the current ordinance hasn't been enforced because our district attorneys have been smart enough not to spend the taxpayers' money to fight a losing lawsuit with the federal government.

The alternative to this bad law is Question No. 1 on the November ballot, the airport use ordinance.

The Carson Valley Vanguard Coalition, long- time nonprofit group focused on airport, spent the three years and thousands of its member's dollars, for advice from one of the top aviation law firms in the U.S., working with the public, the district attorney and our county government to draft the proposed ordinance. Is it perfect? No, but 90 percent perfect ain't bad, especially when it replaces a bad law.

The opponents of Question No. 1 are really making this about their lack of faith in government. Read what they are really saying. They don't argue the facts. Note that they agreed that if Question No. 1 doesn't pass it will cost the taxpayers $1million a year or more. They agree that the current law stinks and isn't enforceable. Their argument isn't about replacing a bad, costly law. So what are they really saying? It's about their lack of faith in government. Don't let them fool you into thinking otherwise. This is still a republic and a democracy and your vote still counts. It will count even more when Question No. 1 passes.

So please join the board of director of CVVC, who passed the language unanimously, and the other hardworking members of Vanguard in voting yes on Question No. 1, the airport use ordinance.

Steven Swabacker

President of CVVC



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