Yes on Question 1


A yes vote on the county airport use Question 1 is the only logical choice, and the reason is the ready availability of emergency services in Douglas County. To wit, on July 3, 2001, a lightning strike ignited a wildfire about 200 yards south of my home on the western side of the Carson Valley. That fire catalyzed action by the U.S. Forest Service, Nevada Division of Forestry, Nevada Division of Wildlife, etc.

It was an amazing team effort that saved my home, and a significant part of the effort was the deployment of large bombers that dropped red fire retardant on the blaze. Those bombers were located at our Minden-Tahoe Airport. My wife and I were so grateful for this rapid and selfless response.

No area of our county is immune from natural disaster, especially fire. We need our Minden-Tahoe airport in excellent repair. The ready availability of all forms of disaster relief rely on our airport, and that includes earthquake, medical evacuation, and fire fighting as required.

I have never had to use emergency helicopter services, but you can bet if I do I'll be happy the Minden-Tahoe Airport is there to take care of them when they need fuel or servicing. All of us in this valley benefit from our airport. Vote "Yes" on county question 1 to keep our rural airport healthy and servicing the disaster relief needs of our community.

Howard Charney



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