Backing Brady


When considering a candidate for county commissioner, I look for three qualities: long-standing knowledge of the problems facing Douglas County, a lengthy record of community involvement in trying to make our county the best possible place to live, and the background and experience to bring about positive changes, especially in these challenging financial times. Because he possesses all these qualities, Dave Brady deserves your support.

Dave Brady has lived here for more than 25 years. His children attended public school here. He has a long record of serving the community, as a member of the parks & recreation committee, the school board, as a reserve deputy sheriff, and as a county commissioner for the last six years.

Dave Brady's profession as a financial planner is particularly helpful in the current economic environment. He has repeatedly shown himself as the most astute Commissioner when it comes to financial issues. Mr. Brady also has a master's degree in public administration. He is almost always the best prepared and best spoken Commissioner, regardless of the issue. As a critical thinker and solutions oriented analyst, he has no equal.

Brady's opponent, Lee Bonner, has lived here less than five years, and does not even own a home here. His occupation is in public relations.

The choice seems clear. Who would you rather have as a Commissioner? Someone who has lived here for 25 years, served his community in a wide variety of capacities, and has an expertise in finances and public safety? Or someone who has lived here for five years, whose job is in PR? Dave Brady is the best candidate to serve Douglas County during these difficult times.

I urge you to vote for Dave Brady.

Jim Slade



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