Obstacle course

My son is 17 due to be 18 on Oct. 6 He is a wonderful boy and has always been an overachiever.

Recently he enlisted in the U.S. Army. He knows what he wants to do and be in the Army, and for that matter probably has the rest of his life mapped out. This is his senior year and he told me the other day "Mom, I can't wait to start my life." That made me so very proud. He is going to be an Army Ranger.

My son attends Douglas High School. He has half days all week and holds a job at the same time.

My son wanted to graduate early so that he could enlist and go straight to the Army. He wanted a certain job that was listed and would not be available for some reason after he graduated.

He was going to pay $300 just to take other classes for all of the rest of his credits to graduate as soon as possible so he could enlist with this certain job.

The principal at Douglas High would not write a certain early graduation letter to the recruiter for my son, who did not get the job.

The principal told my son that his emergency wasn't his emergency. My son was devastated and called his recruiter.

Thank you God, the recruiter asked him to come to Carson to talk to his sergeant.

When my son returned, he was smiling from ear to ear. He had his papers in hand with a date which is after graduation and an even better job than what was offered in the first place.

The moral of my story is - What kind of principal do we have if he does not even recognize or stop to see that one out of many high achievers wants to serve our country?. The one he lives in.

I think that the Douglas County School District owes my son an apology. Even better, the principal should apologize and learn from his lesson.

Kristen Smith



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