Letters to the editor, March 26, 2010

Re-elect no one


Our founding fathers have pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, to give us a new nation. George Washington himself refused a third term, because he did not want this country to slide back into another monarchy. Have we already forgotten that? Less than two centuries later we started re-electing and re-electing our representatives over and over again, until they either died in office or were too old to cast their vote. What have we done to our republic? What you sow, you shall reap.

Dieter Hoffmann


Fitted sheets and vacuum cleaner cords


The continued blathering about health care reform still has failed to define the key word, reform. I believe I understand the definition of reform, but application of the term to health care in this nation is puzzling. I cannot speak to health care in other parts of the world, but the quality of health care in this nation is outstanding, so I must conclude that reform means that I should pay for the care of those who overspent on autos, homes, entertainment, etc., rather than attending to their more basic and personal needs. I resent that.

There are some more important issues that could be attended to in the District of Corruption. For example, how about outlawing fitted sheets and vacuum cleaner cords? How is a normal male - and I consider myself such - expected to fold a fitted sheet? Then there is that cord on the vacuum cleaner in this household that seems dedicated to breaking one or both of my legs. The misfits in Washington could do something useful if they put their minds to it. Although I fear that they do not see it that way, so I suppose that we are destined to fight the sheets, and vacuum cleaner cords.

Vernon Latshaw


Not too proud


It has been made abundantly clear that two-thirds of the country opposes the current version of the health care bill. That is why I am absolutely stunned that Washington Democrats would even consider voting for it. The out and out bribes and the secret underhanded back alley dealings appall me. Where is the open government you promised, Mr. Obama?

I wouldn't even be surprised to hear there have been threats made. I am a lifelong Democrat but not too proud to be one right now. These people, and "these people" definitely include Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi, need to be impeached for not doing their jobs which, hello, is representing the people.

Ann Schleich


Is replacing Reid a good idea?


This letter is dedicated to all of my fellow Nevadans whose sole goal is to reject or remove Sen. Harry Reid. I have been wondering if they have given a thought to what the repurcusions to our state would be if they are successful.

Sen. John Ensign would become our senior senator. That is if he is not forced to resign because of ethics violations. If he does resign, Gov. Gibbons would be able to replace him with someone of his choice. Gov. Gibbons also has violations of a more personal level. It seems that both Republican elected officials believe in family values. Sen. Ensign persuaded his parents to make a loan to a former close friend whose wife he was spending time with on a personal basis. Gov. Gibbons also has had close personal female friends before and after his divorce. I guess this means the Republican party has proven that they not only believe in family values, they practice them.

After all, living in Nevada makes it OK since we are a state famous for quickie divorces, gambling and legalized prostitution.

Richard Girod


Sense of urgency


America is caught up in a rising sense of urgency that is being generated both from above and from below. The political party in power has concluded that power is the formula for success, and we have seen astonishing displays of power, in increasing government manipulation and control of the financial sector, in governmental seizure of business and in the now imminent government control of America's health care system.

We have watched as senators, who rightly decry the use of private wealth to manipulate political favor, flagrantly distributing public money to manipulate political outcomes and excusing it by describing it as the new paradigm in statesmanship.

We have listened as the current American head of state publicly scolds and ridicules every citizen who disagrees with the fundamental change of government he is proposing, even those citizens who sit on the American Supreme Court.

We hear a steady verbal castigation of the American free enterprise system, while at the same time hearing praises sung for public solutions to every problem facing us.

From below we see citizens both individually and formed into groups, actively speaking against the growing invasion of government into their private lives.

We see and hear a rising anger and frustration at a political power elite that marginalizes, even demonizes, every outcry against government incursion into the lives of free and independent citizens.

We watch helplessly as this powerful political juggernaut seeks to engulf America, and we can only pray that the powerful will stop their train - long enough for America to get off.

Charles Evans


Why are we silent?


Will someone please help me out here? I'm trying, desperately, to understand why one of two senators solely responsible for manipulating Fanny Mae and Freddie Mack, virtually causing the housing bust, is now introducing legislation to regulate the financial services industry and we are sitting here not rising up in revolution.

Senators Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank are the ones that insisted the government lending institutions fund sub-prime loans, so every unemployed, under funded, irresponsible person could obtain 100 percent financing for a new home. Now, the very same Dodd is going to tell us how to run the financial institutions?

Putting your money under the mattress, even though it will be worthless due to the inflation that is coming, looks better and better every day.

Rick Campbell


Monty arrives at Meneley


After weeks of anticipation Monty the Mountain Lion has finally arrived at CC Meneley Elementary School. He made his grand entrance to a wild crowd at the annual friendship dinner that was held at the school on March 13. It was truly a night to remember for everyone present.

For the past number of years Harrah's Tahoe has kindly donated fabulous spaghetti for the dinner and this year they fed over 400 people. Without the support of Harrah's and their commitment to CC Meneley, this event would not be so successful. A very big thank-you to everyone at Harrah's and a special thank-you to the Voss family for ensuring that this happens.

Thank you to Mrs. Owens, the Pau-Wa-Lu Steel Drum Band, Mrs. Lucas, the jump rope team, Mrs. Mello, Mrs. Webb and the drama club at CCMES for entertaining everyone.

To our families, friends and business community thank for volunteering your time and donating prizes. Our student council under the guidance of Mrs. Jackson did a wonderful job supporting this evening and making sure that Monty arrived safely. It was a pleasure to welcome Rebecca Martin back to school; she is an inspiration to all of us. Go, Mountain Lions.

Manya Brooks

Monique Vaughn

Meneley Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization


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