Signed the pledge


Not being a "politician," I was a little stunned to see the vehement letter written by Ms. Shizuru to this paper on May 26. It was titled "Can't Support Wheeler." It should have read, "Won't Support Wheeler." I suppose, since I have emerged as a front runner in the race for Assembly District 39, I should have expected something like this, but I had hoped we were above it. You see, this is exactly the type of "politics as usual" that I have railed against since announcing my candidacy. If you can't beat 'em on the issues, try to slam 'em personally, and use half-truths, innuendo and whatever else is necessary. My response to this is simple; I will just give you the facts.

Fact 1: Being a novice in campaigns, I met Sen. Washington at one of the first events I attended. He was kind enough to give me some of the advice I was seeking, on how to run a campaign (never "political advice"). I have never given him one penny, nor has he asked for any political favors, nor would I grant any.

Fact 2: I have never met or even spoken to Sen. Raggio.

Fact 3: I do still work every day. I've held a job since I was 14 years old. Sometimes 2 jobs, and once, when the kids were small, 3 jobs for a short period. Eventually working my way up to CEO of an automotive part's manufacturing firm.

If holding a job, like over one million other Nevadans, disqualifies me from public service, then the Obama elitist attitude has finally reached Nevada and our collective dream of a citizen government is dead. Something I cannot bring myself to believe.

Fact 4: And this is weird, not only did I sign the taxpayer pledge, Ms. Shizuru herself signed the pledge as my witness, see it on my Web site,

Fact 5: I am the only candidate with any type of plan to put revenue back into the pockets of Nevada citizens and stimulate citizen spending instead of government spending. Again, as can be seen on my Web site,, my plan is simple, straightforward and will definitely work. Please judge for yourself.

Fact 6: Ms. Shizuru suggests that I would not cut spending. Again, just look at my Web site and make up your own mind. My plan to re-prioritize, which cuts government spending to the very bone, is there for everyone to see.

Finally, I hope I will be able to earn your vote on June 8. Not demand it because of political experience, nor expect it because of name recognition, but earn it due to sound practices and principles.

Jim Wheeler



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