Restricting competition


The proposed 100-room gaming rule is nothing more than a restriction of competition.

Bill Henderson of Carson Valley Inn is worried that without the ordinance "anybody can come in, put in a few slots and do nothing to enhance tourism." What's the matter, is CVI afraid of a little competition? Doesn't the presence of more gaming options bring more people into the Valley, benefiting CVI and everyone else? Commissioner Greg Lynn says he doesn't "know if the citizens in this town have an appetite for a bunch of slot joints." Why not let the citizens decide? We're fully capable of voting with our dollars. If the citizens don't want more "slot joints," then those businesses will fail for lack of customers.

I'm tired of government thinking it has a duty to protect and favor one class of businesses over another when the free market is fully capable of making that choice. And no, I do not work for Hamdogs. I just know when something is not right.

David Thomas



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