46-year-old Lutheran deacon dies at home

Trinity Lutheran Church Deacon Jonathan Cleveland, who was found dead at his home on Sunday morning, was remembered as a friendly leader of the Gardnerville congregation.

Pastor Emeritus Russell H. Howen said Cleveland was in charge of conducting the church's Sunday Sierra spirit contemporary service.

On Monday, Howen said the family was holding up well under the circumstances, and was planning a memorial service.

Cleveland came to Trinity on March 29, 2009, where he was named director of Christian education. Howen said he was later made deacon so he could lead the Sunday evening worship service.

"We were so blessed to have him," Howen said. "Jonathan did so much more than what I could have done."

Cleveland was in charge of the church's youth programs and was the main liaison with the child care center.

"He was 46, but he seemed younger to me," Howen said. "Maybe it was his enthusiasm at working with youth. He could play the guitar and also the drums. Our senior high youth group really abounded under his direction."

Cleveland also taught the eighth-grade confirmation class.

"It has been a big loss for the congregation," Howen said. "As a deacon, Jonathan worked so well with our many boards. He and I met regularly once a week to see where he was with his classes. He participated with groups like the church council and the board of elders."

Cleveland, who was black, came to Carson Valley from Portland, Ore., and easily fit into life at the church.

"The people I know in the congregation were color blind," Howen said. "I followed him one day after I pulled out from County Road as he was going down Highway 395 in his little Mustang, waving at people. I chuckled to myself, 'There is a friendly guy.'"

Cleveland is survived by three daughters, 26, 24 and 15.


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