There's never just one mouse

It happened when the weather got cold, I saw signs of their visit to my pantry. At first I didn't think anything about seeing a chip on the pantry floor, but then I noticed the bag front was open. Still didn't think much but a few days later there were little presents on the shelves.

Darn, now I recognized the culprit. I've never had a mouse in the house. Where's my cat? Oh yeah, I don't have one. A quick trip to the store, and do you know how many different types of mouse traps are available? There are the old-fashioned kind and now they have pre-scented cheese-smelling ones and glue traps, uck! I can just imagine the cute little fuzzy thing getting one foot stuck and hobbling all over the kitchen floor until what? Then there are the paper clip type. I bought several of each determined to see what worked best because there is never just one mouse.

I had one set with peanut butter and another one with cheese. Later that evening I heard a click, then our dog Frosty was yelping, I guess one almost got her as she tried to eat the peanut butter. I thought it was under the cabinet enough. The next morning, I had caught one. Trap and all went in the trash with the help of a pair of channel lock pliers; I don't like to get too close. Now one down, let's see how many more there are.

That night I caught another and the next morning even another. Truth be told, five in all and none for a month now. Peanut butter worked the best.

One neighbor told me she got up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and saw something in her path, but being half asleep walked over it. In the morning before getting out of bed she asked her husband to make sure the path was clear for her. It was a sock.

Another neighbor told me she had mice about the same time as me. They liked Junior Mints candy. To each mouse their own.

Pinon Hills Elementary

The school is collecting new or gently used family sized tents before Feb. 26 for the citizens of Haiti.

The school garden is coming along well with new shade trees planted and they are getting ready to plant perennial beds, a pumpkin patch and a wildflower meadow. Come on out and help. Call June at 267-2878 for details.

Girl Scouts

The Girl Scouts had a great get-together at the Carson Valley United Methodist Church last Friday night. They set up booth for each troop and represented lots of countries around the world with flags, clothing and food. Korea, France, Germany, Brazil, Italy, Spain, Mexico, South Africa, Israel, China, Egypt and Peru were represented by the troops. It was wonderful and the children learned a lot and earned a badge for world thinking day. Way to go girls and thank you to the troop leaders for your hard work and cooking.

Lisa Welch is a Johnson Lane resident and can be reached at 267-9350.


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