Thanks for nothing


This is in response to your TV commercial that tells us to "thank you" for all you have done.

Thank you Harry Reid. Thank you for doing more then your share to help the economy of Nevada. With all those TV commercials and radio ads telling us "how great you are and what a wonderful job you are doing" - you have done more for the local economies of both Southern and Northern Nevada then any other single person.

Thank you for putting to work, directors, producers, camera persons, advertising agencies, and paying for all those commercials which of course gives revenue to television and radio stations. That in turn saves the jobs of so many who might be lost due to the way the federal government has handled the lack of jobs. They in turn spend in our local shops, stores and buy products. Thank you Harry Reid, under your personal care you have helped us keep people employed in Nevada. Of course this assumes that you actually produced your commercials in our state.

But what have you done to help the economy from your great legislative power? Harry let me take you back to 10th grade economics. The government cannot create a job, it takes 10 tax payers to pay for one government job. But the government can create an environment that creates jobs.

The basis of any growing economy is found in things that are made, things that are grown or things that come from the earth. That's manufacturing, agriculture, and mining (logging, drilling, fishing etc.). But what have you done under your tenure in the Senate?

1. Most manufacturing has gone overseas. Why? Because under your watch the government has created an anti-business climate.

2. Many farmers are closing the farm. Why? Because under your time in office government regulations have limited water, controlled resources and created so much bureaucracy that it is impossible to do business.

3. And for mining (etc.) again regulations have choked out the private sector, taking good environmental regulations beyond common sense. Creating an atmosphere where job creating corporations are seen as "the enemy of the people".

All these while allowing foreign countries to own our economy.

Thank you Harry Reid, we can see all you have done for the great state of Nevada, and we will show our appreciation come November.

Dolly Schreckengost



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