Seeking Minden seat


This year, the three most senior members of the Minden Town Board will have reached the end of their terms and cannot be re-elected pursuant to Nevada's term limit law. In my view, it will be extremely important to elect new members who will bring continuity to the board to assure that Minden continues to be one of the best places to live, not only in Douglas County, but in all of Nevada.

Through their long service and dedication to the town and its citizens, members David Sheets, Bob Hadfield, and Ross Chichester have provided leadership, fiscal responsibility, personal accountability, fairness, and openness to our local government. Their stewardship has benefited the town in many important ways and has set the pace for those who follow. They will be missed as board members, but fortunately will continue to be valuable members of our community and resources for the future.

I would like to announce that I will be one of the candidates for Minden Town Board. As such, I promise to continue the policies of the current board, among which are that we protect the significant investment we have in our streets with yearly improvements to keep the streets in Minden the highest quality in the county. In addition, town polices require that our roads be cleared of snow and kept clean, that our water quality remains one of the best in the nation, that trash and garbage service remains high, that drainage systems are maintained to help prevent potential flooding, and that resources like the CVIC Hall and parks are available and properly utilized. We have a well educated, loyal, and competent town staff who must be recognized for their contributions to our well-being and peace of mind.

Further, I promise to help facilitate the goals of the Minden Town Plan for Prosperity which insists on the preservation of our quality of life, historical heritage, and economic viability.

The established architectural style of our core business district should serve as the model for new and remodeled business development and must not detract from the town's walkability and ambiance.

Any future development within our community must always incorporate and capitalize on the scenic beauty of our natural surroundings.

My wife, Gail, was born in the old Farmer's Bank building in Minden and I am a 42-year resident. We have two grown children who grew up and were raised here, and we have four grandchildren, one of whom is attending Douglas High School. We reside in, and I currently serve on, the Winhaven Homeowner's Association Board. I served as a volunteer with the Douglas County Engine Company, Carson Valley 20-30, Nevada Wing Civil Air Patrol, and as a retired Nevada state employee, I have extensive experience in governmental accounting, budgeting, planning, and human resource development and training. I am prepared to serve the town and my neighbors, and would consider it a privilege to be elected.

William Souligny



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