Then there was one


In protest, I am reluctantly withdrawing from the Sept. 8 airport ordinance debate. With a long career in executive management, and much time aviating and studying political goings-on at Minden airport, I have seen a relentless stream of bias on airport matters. The Sept. 8 debate structure is no different. It will not provide the electorate with a fair and balanced picture so I can not support it.

County management, who are sponsoring and promoting the commissioner-endorsed ordinance, will make a 15-minute presentation before the debate begins, zero time will be allowed for a presentation from the opposition. This is simply wrong.

On a wider point, the debate is co-sponsored by the local business council. Their sponsorship is appreciated, but the good folks who lead the Business Council clearly are not neutral in this fight. They would be well-advised to separate themselves as a "silent sponsor" of the event, as has The Record-Courier.

I will gladly participate in any reasonable debate because there is a long list of reasons why this airport ballot measure should be soundly defeated. But the issue here is primarily "due process" to fairly represent the situation to the electorate. When fairly-informed voters make their voices heard, all of us should get behind the will of the people. If the people approve this proposed ordinance, thereby escalating taxpayer risks and inviting in a bunch of outside jets, then so be it.

County leaders and voters alike must work extremely hard to avoid being bamboozled by special interests. Most folks will decide who they trust among those of us voicing strong opinions, and vote with those trusted sources. In doing this, I urge everyone to carefully inspect the credentials of anyone claiming expertise on this topic, and also understand their personal self-interest. It may not align with yours.

Jim Herd



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