Baby Ellie catching up with early birth

When Ellasyn Corinne Hall is old enough to ask her parents about when she was born, little Ellie might want to pull up a comfortable chair and prepare to sit a spell.

Due Sept. 14, Ellie arrived July 18, weighing in at 3 pounds, 3 ounces.

Until a few days before she was born, Ellie's mother, Sarah Hall, 24, had been experiencing a normal pregnancy with her second child.

"I went in for a regular checkup on July 16, and they checked my blood pressure and my urine for protein," Hall said. "All of a sudden, they walked me across the street and admitted me to St. Mary's."

She was showing signs of preeclampsia, a pregnancy condition that affects the mother and unborn baby and can put the mother at risk for stroke.

At first Hall thought she might be able to stay at the hospital and delay Ellie's birth for a few weeks. But Hall's condition continued to decline.

"My blood pressure and protein was way too high," she said. "My doctor said Ellie had to come out."

Labor was induced at 9 a.m. July 18 and Ellie was born at 2:31 p.m.

"It was quick," she said. "I was just happy she squeaked when she came out."

That little squeak was reassurance to Hall that her tiny daughter was a fighter.

"I knew she was OK. She was so little and scrawny," Hall said.

Four weeks have made a big difference for little Ellie.

She had a few setbacks, but has gained more than a pound. On Friday, she weighed 4 pounds, 9 ounces.

On her Facebook page, Hall offers regular "Ellie Updates" and plenty of pictures.

On Thursday, she wrote: "She is taking all of her feeds from a bottle, they're weaning her off her IV, and she's sleeping in a regular bassinet. She's still on a tiny bit of oxygen, but if she keeps doing as well as she has been with her feeds and gets up to an ounce or more per feeding and is gaining weight, they will send her home, even with the oxygen! It could be very very soon!"

Home is in Winhaven. Hall, her husband Tristan, 24, and son Nikolas, 2-1/2, just moved from Reno before Ellie was born.

Tristan Hall is leaving Sept. 20 for the Army and Sarah wanted to be closer to her parents, Tony and Lynda King, while he is away.

Tony King is Record-Courier circulation manager and Sarah has worked part-time as a photographer.

Her husband works at Game Stop in Reno and she's making daily trips to St. Mary's to see the baby.

Despite her tiny size, Hall said Ellie has been healthy.

"She didn't need any surgery; she's only been on oxygen," Hall said.

Ellie must meet three requirements before she can come home.

"She has to be able to maintain her body heat, eat on her own and breathe on her own," Hall said.

"It's hard to leave her, but the nurses have been fantastic," Hall said.

Nikolas is having a little trouble understanding where his baby sister is.

"He has seen her through the (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) window and seen pictures of her, but he wants to hold her," Hall said.

"She's at the hospital growing up big and strong," Nikolas said.

Hall said Ellie sleeps a lot, but when she is awake, she is very alert.

"Her pediatrician calculated her 'adjusted age' at about two months behind," she said. "That means if she's a year old and not walking, it's not such a concern because her adjusted age is 10 months."

When Tristan leaves for basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., the family will be separated until April.

"Ellie's early birth has been a blessing in disguise," he said. "I've been able to get more time in with her before I have to leave. I just wish it had been under better circumstances."

The Halls haven't even looked at Ellie's hospital bill.

"Every time her little IV drips a tiny drop, I don't care what the bill is. We will do what we need to do to bring her home," Sarah said.


The Halls have set up an account at Wells Fargo Bank to help with expenses not covered by health insurance. Donations may be made to Ellie Hall, account no. 8175311078.


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