Nevada Wildfire Awareness Week runs through May 8

The number of Nevada acres burned each year by wildfire has increased dramatically in recent decades. Wildfire has had significant impacts on Nevada's environmental, economic and social well-being.

Most homes destroyed during wildfire are lost because of embers landing on something easily ignited on or near the home. Ember-ignited fires can spread from home to home, destroying entire communities.

Nevada homeowners could substantially reduce the wildfire threat to their homes and communities if they prepared for wildfire in advance.

Nevada Wildfire Awareness Week is May 1-8. This year's theme is "Be Ember Prepared!" During a wildfire, thousands of embers can rain down on your roof and pelt the side of your home like hail during a storm. If these embers become lodged in something easily ignited on or near your house, your home will be in jeopardy of burning.

Common materials that become embers during wildfire include pine cones, branches, tree bark and wooden shingles. Embers can be carried more than a mile ahead of the fire. Homes blocks away from the actual flame front are vulnerable to ignition and complete destruction. Ask yourself, "Will my home survive when the embers arrive?"

Human behavior is just as important as fire behavior in saving your home. The actions you take prior to a wildfire can greatly improve the survivability of you, your family and your home. During Nevada Wildfire Awareness Week, learn how to make your home less susceptible to wildfire. Check out for the events of the week where you can find out about creating defensible/survivable space around your home, improving your access zone and evacuating safely in the face of a wildfire. The Web site is also a source of self-study materials that can help you increase the survivability of your home.

The Clear Creek Community Evacuation Drill is today at Fuji Park on Old Clear Creek Road, Carson City. Firefighting agencies, and defensible space companies help you make your home ember prepared.

Living with Fire is a collaborative effort of the Bureau of Land Management, Nevada Association of Counties, Nevada Fire Safe Council, Nevada Division of Forestry, Nevada Insurance Council, Sierra Front Wildfire Cooperators, USDA Forest Service, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension.

JoAnne Skelly is the Carson City/Storey County Extension educator for University of Nevada Cooperative Extension and may be reached at or 887-2252.


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