When money runs out


When I was young, my father told me that the people you try to help will be the first to turn against you. President Obama was elected because he promised change. When he tries to make changes, something that has been attempted since the '40s - health care reform, 10,000 people march against him.

Perhaps if these same people had marched against some of the policies of his predecessor, we would not need so many changes to our current policies. President Bush was a Christian, a non-drinker, non-smoker, never cheated on his wife, went to church on a regular basis yet he managed to put our country in a downward spiral.

Not everyone needs health care coverage, some are even fortunate enough to be able to pay for it and some of us cannot afford it but cannot do without it. Yesterday I received an offer from Medicare to subsidize my expensive prescriptions. Unfortunately I could not accept because I am using a small inheritance to pay for health care. Basically I have too much money coming in for the next 60 months to qualify. When my inheritance runs out, I won't be able to pay for these prescriptions and/or medical insurance. I sure hope that offer comes up again in five years when the money is gone.

If President Obama's health care plan is defeated, I may have to choose between taking my medications and eating.

Jeanne Larson



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