Obama brought peace


Regarding the international recognition accorded the President of the United States. Lest we forget, the past eight years of what ever one cares to label the thinking and actions of the United States, one thing was clear. The entire planet was in a constant state of psychological hysteria bordering on world war and nuclear conflagration ... remember the big push for theater nuclear weapons?

With the caveat that I personally have many qualms and quibbles with our current president and his policies and lack thereof, I cannot discount that he calmed world fears by denying missile shields, projecting calm into the Israeli/Palestinian miasma, engaging Iran and North Korea in dialogue accompanied with long ignored but much needed diplomatic efforts.

All in place of the aforementioned eight years of bellicosity, saber rattling and bully on the playground adolescent behavior engendered by the most powerful and least graceful government we the people have ever fielded.

Barak Obama much deserves the international applause he is receiving through the Nobel Peace Prize, and planetary life breaths a collective sigh of great relief.

Christopher Lunn



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