Tigers raise their school spirit

Homecoming invokes a picture of warmth, a return to the familiar, where family is joined by more than blood, and friends are bonded by shared experiences.

We can think of no better place to be returning home.

Many things have changed about Carson Valley over the last six decades, but no graduate of Douglas County High's class of 1950 would lose their way here.

There on the west rises Jobs Peak, once more clothed in its raiment of white. There in the east are the Pine Nuts, rugged symbols of the desert that lies behind them.

And in the center, the fields of Carson Valley, turned from green to gold by the seasons' eternal clock.

Homecoming in Carson Valley is a special time. The leaves are turning, thanks to the chill of winter.

Tonight Douglas High students crown their homecoming king and queen in a long tradition.

Many Tigers from past classes will be at the game, and the school spirit of those who've gone before will be with them.


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