Define temporary


I attended the Douglas County Parks & Recreation Commission meeting held Tuesday night to discuss the "success" of the motocross track park events that were conducted in the new "temporary" motocross park that has been developed next to the fairgrounds. It was a very emotional gathering.

Many attendees expressed their opinions and only a few folks were reduced to mean and disturbing accusations.

I believe that most county residents support the "freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," and most also want the children of the community to have recreational opportunities that will be beneficial and not harmful. There were many parents and children who testified to the wonderful experiences that the motocross park made available to them.

There were also individuals from the Carson Valley Visitors Authority, the motocross track park development company, and others who confirmed that the park had a positive economic impact for them. It should be noted that the "for-profit" company enjoyed doing their business on property owned by the county taxpayers and received additional free benefits like water and on-site camping privileges.

Also in attendance, there were individuals (like myself) who live in the vicinity of the motocross park who have suffered from the negative effects of the park. We spoke to the noise (that is now in addition to the fairgrounds noise, the gun range noise, etc.), the dust (that is now in addition to the normal dust from the wind and desert environment), the added traffic, and the reduced home values. Our legitimate concerns have existed from the moment that we were informed that the park was a done deal.

Most of us, who have been opposed only to the location of the park, have been tolerant of the events of the summer because we were assured repeatedly that this was a temporary location, and that a more suitable location would be found for the future motocross track park.

Unfortunately, we who oppose the location of the park in our residential midst, now hear that temporary has an arbitrary definition that may stretch on and on, and that the number of days and nights of these events may be multiplied ad nauseum.

We were here first. The representatives that we elected should be representing us. The motocross track park provides adrenaline for a few, to the distress of many, and at the expense of the natural habitat and environment, with an alarming cost in water and petroleum products.

The negative aspects of this temporary location also concerned those at the transfer station, the animal shelter, and others.

We expect, and will continue to lobby for a more suitable location, before any further events of this nature are allowed.

Teresa Manning



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