'Nutcracker' ballet performed

Staff Reports

The Pinkerton Ballet Theatre presents their 21st annual production of "The Nutcracker" ballet through Sunday at the Carson City Community Center. Performances are 7 p.m. today and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. Tickets are $23.50 general admission and $19.50 for seniors and children, available at the Brewery Arts Center Artisan's Gift Shop, (775) 883-1976, ext. 2, or www.ayakosdance.com Information, (775) 220-4633.

Dancing the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy is Carson Valley's Erica Chipp, who studied with Pinkerton Dance Academy and Western Nevada Performing Arts in Carson City, and finished formal dance training at the Harid Conservatory in Boca Raton, Fla. Chipp has been a company member of Festival Ballet Providence for five years, has performed as a guest artist for Sierra Nevada Ballet and Petrov Ballet, and is realizing her lifelong dream by performing the role of Sugar Plum with Pinkerton Ballet Theatre.

According to "Olde Tyme" tradition of the Nutcracker Ballet, the role of Mother Gigogne, who wears a huge skirt and has lots of children, was portrayed by a local gentleman of stature. In keeping with this tradition, the role will be performed by Sheriff Ken Furlong on Friday, District Attorney Neil Rombardo on Saturday, and Mayor Bob Crowell on Sunday.


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