Black Friday helps boost economy

Today, refreshed by a day of turkey and football, many folks will be lined up out in front of the box stores waiting anxiously for them to open so they can get a deal on a big screen television or a computer.

There was a time in Douglas County when those things or their equivalents would be purchased at a quiet shop in Minden or Gardnerville, or would require a trip to Carson City or Reno.

But today, we have our own box stores where people from Carson Valley, Carson City and even the Lake Tahoe basin flock in search of a bargain.

Sales have been slow lately. Every time the state releases sales tax numbers, they are lower than the year before and far lower than the year before that.

But even though our economic fog has shown no sign of lifting, we believe that there will be a break in the clouds at some point with the light of economic prosperity shining.

In the meantime, the key to this job is to keep our spirits bright, knowing that hard times are a harsh teacher, but the lessons we learn will serve us when things turn around.


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